Family Update

October 5, 2010

It has been a while since I talked about the family, and given a few recent events, I suppose now’s as good a time as any.


My sister-in-law has begun formal divorce proceedings with my brother.  Based on what I have been told, so far things are fairly amicable.  My brother still stops over at the house and cuts the lawn and has done some painting among other things.  My brother still lives with my parents, and my parents still receive regular visits from my growing nephew and goddaughter.

My niece/goddaughter has discovered The Wizard of Oz.  She is endlessly fascinated by the film, and cannot get enough of it.  I bought a copy of the film as part of her recent birthday present, and every time she comes over to visit grandma and grandpa, that movie has to be playing.


Dad made it sober for a few months, but I recently found out that he started drinking again about two weeks ago.  During this time he fell and now has a compression fracture of one of his thoracic vertebrae.  He had to be taken to the hospital to under go observation and detox.

Part of the problem is that the alcoholism has left him with a form of osteoporosis.  His liver is also, apparently, just about gone.  My uncle happened to be coming in for a school reunion this last weekend, and visited my dad in the hospital.  My mom told him that there was a chance that this would be the last time he would see him.

My father is undergoing evaluation to see if he qualifies for a long-term care home since my mom can no longer take care of him.  He was fitted with a heavy brace to help him deal with the fracture.  Overall, his attitude is terrible, and I suspect that he is continuing to verbally and emotionally abuse my mother.  I have tried advising mom that perhaps the time has come to bring this relationship to an end since he no longer responds consistently well to accepting the help he needs, and that he is not treating my mother very well.  I don’t completely understand my mom’s motives, but mom is a pretty classic co-dependent, and as such is not in a hurry to leave.

On the bright side, my sister seems to be doing well.