White Sox House

January 21, 2009

I’m going to pass along just two things about our new president.

1.  There is great reason to celebrate the fact that the United States finally overcame one of its greatest demons in electing a president with African heritage.  Racism is sadly far from gone, but this is a great moment for people who sat there hearing about America: The Land of Opportunity, where anyone could be anything they wanted, and then knowing that certain jobs were pretty much off limits.

I also postulate that just as important is Mr. Obama’s mixed racial heritage.  I work with a gentleman who is caucasian, and married to a wonderful woman who happens to be African-American.  It has weighed heavily on him for many years about his children (a fine son, and a cute as a button young daughter).  The worry is of course that there are White communities and African-American communities, but not too many spots in society for people who fit into both or neither.  To say the least, both he and his wife worked diligently on Mr. Obama’s campaign, and both stayed at home with their son to watch someone just like him become president.

I’m pretty conservative in many areas, and left of center in others.  I’ve not been a fan of Mr. Bush’s policies, and am not automatically sold that Mr. Obama is the savior of the nation.  I wish him all the best of luck in getting things not only fixed, but getting the nation on the right course in areas we have never been on the right course for.  Sometimes, it requires a man who can instill hope like that to get things moving.  Here’s hoping that he moves in the right direction.

2.  In addition to his many heritages, here is a rather funny animation from Youtube reminding us all that he is not just from the Sout’ Side ….. but Sout’ Side Irish!